Unleashing the Power of Veteran Guidance: Choosing a Seasoned Family Court Guardian ad Litem as Your Child Custody Mediator
Don't let high-conflict child custody cases overwhelm you. Learn how Jenny R. Stevens, a skilled Guardian ad Litem, and family court mediator, can act as a beacon of hope in the storm of litigation, lighting the path to a more peaceful resolution that keeps your child's best interests first.
How Can I Afford My Divorce?
While no one expects to have to pay for divorce in their lifetime, and it's certainly not an expense many enjoy paying, if you find yourself in need of hiring an attorney to represent you, follow this advice to help manage the financial strain in order to keep your future and your children's future safe and secure.
The Advantages of Mediation in a South Carolina Child Custody Case
While traditional courtroom litigation is always an option for couples choosing to divorce in South Carolina, the mediation process now required by the Family Court may be a great option for those who either don't want to litigate in court or simply can't afford to do so.
4 Tips for a Stress-Free Divorce
Our top four tips for making your divorce as stress-free as possible are outlined in this article.