Unleashing the Power of Veteran Guidance: Choosing a Seasoned Family Court Guardian ad Litem as Your Child Custody Mediator
Don't let high-conflict child custody cases overwhelm you. Learn how Jenny R. Stevens, a skilled Guardian ad Litem, and family court mediator, can act as a beacon of hope in the storm of litigation, lighting the path to a more peaceful resolution that keeps your child's best interests first.
3 Ways Divorce Will Wreck Your Confidence as a Parent
Divorce is never easy. This will likely be one of the hardest things you've ever personally faced, so it's not hard to imagine that your self-confidence is wavering. Read more here about how to keep your focus and your confidence through your child custody case.
5 Easy Ways to Encourage a Healthy Shared-Parenting Relationship
When a divorce has forced two parents to live separately while still sharing the parenting of their children, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy parenting relationship. Read about five easy things you can do to encourage the best shared-parenting relationship with your ex for the best interests of your child.
Divorced Parents Share Their Best Parenting Advice for Divorcing Parents
The divorce process is never easy for the parents involved, but it can be especially difficult for the children involved. By following the advice offered by these divorced parents, you can help make the transition a little bit easier on everyone and potentially salvage your child's happy childhood in the process.
5 Phrases to Banish from Your Co-Parenting Vocabulary Today
Post-divorce parenting communication can be hard. The language you use can either help improve the situation or make it worse, so choose your words carefully. Read this article to learn 5 things you should never say to your co-parent.
3 Tips for Parenting After Divorce
Parenting is hard enough on its own, let alone after a divorce as a single parent. But by following these three tips, you can make the transition a little bit easier for both you and your children. Read more here.